Cross Border Capital Advisors

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Past & Current Capital Raises

Series A raised in 2022-23: 30MM - led by elite tier VC firm

Business: Chipmaker partnered with TSMC and the Intel Founrdy

Product lines: Bitcoin mining chips, ZKP chips, LLM-Ai chips

Revenue to date: 100MM +

Unique Selling Proposition:

Incredibe R&D team proven to launch first in class ASIC based products

Large IP porfolio

Building India's Future "S9 Heavy Trucking" Platofrm Looking to Raise 5MM

Tech driven, asset light business

Profitable from Year 1. Entering 2nd year

1000s of heavy trucks on the platform

Rapid month-to-month growth

Seasoned, proven Leadership Team

Huge potential in rapidly growing India

Unique Selling Proposition:

Founder's extensive experience in collaborating with the governement on pioneering infrustructure proejcts

Transforming Healthcare with an early stage Biotech Aggregator.

11 Biotech Assets with a Net Present Value of $230 Million

Innovative Therapies in Pain Management, Anti-Obesity & Cardiovascular Health

Advanced Medical Devices for Surgical Applications

Unique Selling Proposition:

Specialization in enhancing the value of biotech projects at various clinical trial stages

Focus on early-stage investments with significant growth potential

Strategic partnerships with major pharmaceutical companies

Capital Raising Services for Diverse Industries

Cross Border Capital Advisors offers a comprehensive suite of capital raising services, facilitating successful capital raising efforts for businesses across various geographies and  industries. Our expertise in raising capital ensures tailored solutions to meet the specific financial needs of each client. With a great track record in raising capital for innovative technology companies, infrastructure projects, and biotech ventures, we leverage our extensive network and deep industry research approach to secure optimal funding scenarios. Our capital raising services are designed to drive growth and effectively achieve your business’ strategic objectives.

The Cross Border Capital Advisors blog provides comprehensive insights into capital raising. The What is Capital Raising?” page explains the fundamental concepts and types of capital raising, highlighting methods like equity and debt financing. The How to Raise Capital: Strategies for Businesses and Startups” page offers practical steps and strategies for businesses at different stages, from startups to established companies, emphasizing preparation, documentation, and investor engagement. These resources are invaluable for understanding and navigating the complex process of securing business funding.